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刘文平  博士,教授,博士生导师

中国农业大学生态学博士(景观生态与规划方向),中德IRTG项目(德国霍恩海姆大学)联合培养博士。现任湖北省、海南省、内蒙古自治区国土空间生态修复省级专家库成员、自然资源部江汉平原一体化整治修复湖北科研工作站(华中农业大学)负责人,国际ESP(Ecosystem Services Partnership)成员、国际景观生态学会IALE-China会员、武汉风景园林生态修复及智慧园林专业委员会副主任委员、Frontiers in Environmental Science期刊Guest Associate Editor,《武汉大学学报(理学版)》、《中外建筑》和《风景园林》青年编委、华中农业大学交叉科学研究院团队PI。主持并参与国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划、国土部公益性行业专项、自然资源部委托课题、中央高校基本科研业务专项以及规划设计实践项目等20余项,在Landscape Ecology、Urban Forestry & Urban Greening、Building and Environment、Land Use Policy、Frontiers in Environmental Sciences、中国园林、风景园林等期刊发表论文30余篇,出版、参编著作2部,获国土资源科学技术二等奖和神农中华农业科技二等奖各1项。

联系方式 liuwenping@mail.hzau.edu.cn  ;  QQ 376762628






1. 国家自然科学基金项目:城乡统筹背景下绿色空间多层级游憩流网络协同机制及布局优化主持2022-2025

2. 中央高校科研经费专项:基于多源大数据的区域生态空间受损退化关键机制与修复游憩利用路径. 主持,2022-2024

3. 中央高校科研经费专项:地理空间大数据支持下城市绿地游憩服务效率研究. 主持,2019-2021

4. 国家自然科学基金项目:城市公园游憩与降温服务辐射效应相互影响机制及其布局调控研究. 主持,2016-2018

5. 中央高校科研经费专项:武汉市公园景观游憩服务辐射特征及其影响机制研究. 主持,2015-2016

6. 中央高校科研经费专项:武汉市综合性公园降温服务辐射特征研究. 主持,2015-2016


1. 湖北省国土整治中心课题:湖北省国土空间生态修复NbS优先领域及标准本土化研究. 主持,2023-2024

2. 湖北省国土整治中心课题:“双碳”背景下长江经济带生态受损退化空间诊断与整治修复研究,主持,2022-2023

3. 自然资源部课题:全国山水林田湖草生命共同体建设和生态功能治理提升研究,主持,2020-2021

4. 自然资源部课题:全国生态修复类型及重点区域研究,主持,2019-2020

5. 自然资源部课题:长江经济带国土综合整治重点区域研究,主持,2018-2019

6. 国土资源部公益专项:京津冀绿色空间圈定与分析,主持,2016-2017



1. ZL Song, WP Liu*. Changes in the attraction area and network structure of recreation flows in urban green, blue and grey spaces under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cities, 2024, 146,104744

2. WP Liu*, XY Hu, ZL Song, XG Yuan. Identifying the integrated visual characteristics of greenway landscape: A focus on human perception. Sustainable Cites and Society, 2023, 99,104937.

3. WP Liu*, PM Yu. Quantifying synergistic effects of multi-temporal ecosystem service bundles for degraded ecosystem restoration: a case study in Hubei Province, China. Environmental Research Letters, 2023,18, 094003

4. SP Chen, WP Liu*. Impacts of different levels of urban expansion on habitats at the regional scale and their critical distance thresholds. Environmental Research Letters. 2023,18,044001.

5. MY Zhang, SP Chen, WP Liu*. Disentangling the Complexity of Regional Ecosystem Degradation: Uncovering the Interconnected Natural-Social Drivers of Quantity and Quality Loss. Land. 2023, 12, 1280.

6. WP Liu*, Y Li, Shuaipeng Chen. Navigating the ecosystem flood regulation service flows from subbasin to catchment in the Han River basin. Environmental Research Letters, 2023, 18, 104026.

7. WP Liu*, SW Zheng, XY Hu, ZQ Wu, SP Chen, ZQ Huang, WT Zhang. Effects of spatial scale on the built environments of community life circles providing health functions and services. Building and Environment. 2022, 223,109492.

8. WT Zhang, YX Gao, S Li, WP Liu*, C Zeng, L Gao, MX Li, C Peng. Accessibility measurements for urban parks considering age-grouped walkers’ sectorial travel behavior and built environment. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2022, 127715.

9. HT Li, DC Yang, C Gao, WP Liu*. Effects of built area on net primary productivity provided by different landscape characters and the promotion potential. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022, 988362.

10. WP Liu*, Q Chen, Y Li, Zhiqing Wu. Application of GPS tracking for understanding recreational flows within urban park. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2021, 63,127211.

11. HZ Tang, WP Liu*, WJ Yun. Spatiotemporal dynamics of green spaces in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in the past 20 years. Sustainability, 2018, 10, 2049.

12. WP Liu*, WJ Chen, CL Dong. Spatial decay of recreational  services of urban parks: Characteristics and influencing factors. Urban  Forestry & Urban Greening, 2017, 25: 130-138

13. WP Liu*, CL Dong, WJ Chen. Mapping and quantifying spatial  and temporal dynamics and bundles of travel flows of residents visiting  urban parks. Sustainability, 2017,9,1296

14. WP Liu, J Holst, ZR Yu*. Thresholds of Landscape change: A  New Tool of Social-economic Development for Green Infrastructure  Management. Landscape Ecology, 2014, 29:729-743





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