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Robert R. Hewitt

姓名:Robert Reid Hewitt




1996加利福利亚伯克利分校 风景园林硕士、城市规划硕士

1993加州大学戴维斯分校 风景园林学士



2007年至今 克莱姆森大学风景园林系副教授

1996-200年 宾夕法尼亚州立大学风景园林系讲师



2014  湖北国际园博园设计竞赛,中国武汉,三等奖

2013  伊柳塞拉,巴哈马群岛,全国土地利用总体规划,多个特定城市土地利用规划

2012  伊柳塞拉,巴哈马群岛,综合规划

2011  塞内加水处理厂总体规划,塞内加尔



1.  Hala Nassar, Robert R. Hewitt, “The Sovereign Global City: Omani Post-Traditional Landscape Urbanism,” in Guagipur, Mohammed (ed), Contemporary Landscape of the Middle East, Taylor & Francis, London, 2016

2.  Hewitt Robert, Hala, Nassar, “Cross-Cultural Participatory Design Methods and Techniques across Differing International Political Contexts,” CELA Conference 2016.

3.  Hewitt Robert, Hala, Nassar, “Debate/Dilemma: Defining the Sovereign Global Urban Landscape,” CELA Conference Select 2016.

4.  Hewitt, Robert, Hala Nassar, “Insight: Cairo, Dubai, Muscat; Effects of Globalization and Modernization on Urban Landscape Change in the Middle East,” CELA Conference Abstracts 2015

5.  Hewitt, Robert, Hala Nassar, “Insight: New Definitions of Web and Socially-Mediated Landscape Architecture Groups,” CELA Conference Abstracts 2015

6.  Hewitt, Robert, Hala Nassar, “Globalization and Landscape Architecture: Sultan Qaboos Mosque and the Global Landscape of Islam,” CELA Conference Papers 2014.

7.  Hewitt, Robert, Hala Nassar, “Globalization and Landscape Architecture, “The Role of International Institutions in the Development of Global/Local Landscape,” CELA Conference Papers 2014.

8.  Robert R. Hewitt, ed., Landscape Imprints, Culture, History, Sustainability, Technology, and Education, Clemson University Digital Press, 2013

9.  Hewitt, Robert R., “The Benign, the Suspicious, and the Magical: Healing Beliefs and the Creation of Landscape,” (submitted for publication) Landscape Journal 2013

10. Hewitt, Robert, R , “The Nature of Health: John Claudius Loudon and the Influence of Medical Thought on Environmental Design in Early 19th-Century Britain,” (submitted for publication) Landscape Journal 2013

11. Robert R. Hewitt, ed., Landscape Imprints: Proceedings CELA 2003, 2nd Edition, Published by Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 2010

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