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Located in Wuhan, the biggest city and transportation hub of Central China, Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) is a national key university of “Project 211” directly under the Ministry of Education. The campus is located on the Lion Hill at the side of South Lake. Its discipline Landscape Architecture was initiated from the Group of Landscape Architecture in the 50s, 20th Century, with well known scholars, ie. the landscapists of the old generation, such as Chen Junyu, Yu Shuxun, Chen Zhi, and Lu Difei. In 1985 the specialty of Ornamental Horticulture was established, and in the following year the specialty of Landscape Plants was permitted to enroll postgraduate students and enroll Ph D students in 2003. Landscape Planning and Designing was found in 1993 and Landscape Architecture was approved to set up after two years. The Landscape Gardening specialty began in 1998 to recruit undergraduates. In 2005 it became one of the pilot units, educating masters of Landscape Architecture (MLA), and landscape architecture became a brand profession in Hubei province in 2009. In 2011, Landscape architecture was approved the first-level discipline to award the doctoral degree, and it was the key subjects on the provincial level in 2013. One of the research institutes Landscape Planning and Designing Institute of Huazhong Agricultural University is situated in the campus.


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