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The currant Landscape Architecture Department is housed in a 8000 building with an experiment center. It also contains arts room, landscape architecture studios, pinup roomCAD room, engineering Labmodel lab, landscape plant lab, and Ecological environment and resource information laboratory. Each undergraduate group has their own specialty graphing room with individual graphing table for every one. The postgraduates can go to their different studio rooms according to their various research directions. There is a library storing a collection of more than 5000 books of the specialties.

The richly endowed natural and humanistic atmosphere in the campus, which covers an area of 495 hectares and is surrounded on three sides by clear lakes and backed by green hills, provides particularly favorable educational resources for the landscape architecture students in their practice, through which they can realize their basic cognition of landscape architecture space and environment. In addition, the selection of specialty practice bases, which are classified into two types, ie. course practice bases and integrated practice bases, are closely related to the relevant practical teaching contents. The former type is always located in the campus and pieces of representative urban green land in Wuhan, while the latter focuses on the domestic cities or regions where the landscape architecture teaching resources are comparatively concentrated, such as Beijing, Chengde, Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou.


电话:027-87282135  地址:中国·湖北·武汉 洪山区狮子山街一号  邮编:430070

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